Grape Expectations

The nations biggest wine making/tasing podcast, with added nonsense.

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Sunday Nov 22, 2020

There has been a slight delay to this episode as we've had a few liable cases that our lawyers needed to deal with.Anyway, there's a few stories and load of other shit, enjoy.

Friday Nov 13, 2020

Does anyone even bother reading these? In this episode Bean talks about his first sexual experience with a male teacher at primary school and discusses how it made him the man he is today.

Friday Nov 06, 2020

For this episode we rushed to get together before lockdown hit and it's incredibly visible. We had no plan, no idea but plenty o'wine.

Friday Oct 30, 2020

In this episode I smash a bottle of Lambrini and talk dog shit for half an hour.

Friday Oct 23, 2020

Grape Expectations 2: DANGER Week.
In this episode we take two wines we've found in the back of the cupboard and provide insightful feedback on them. 
There's the usual waffle, poor advice and like of knowledge that you became familiar with in the first episode - WE CONTINUE. 

Friday Oct 16, 2020

This is the first, or perhaps more the pilot episode of our new podcast - Grape Expectations.
We talk about what wine means to us, the little knowledge we have of wine and what we plan to do in the future. It's very much an introduction to what you can expect throughout the journey.
Be warned - there is some bad language so if you have children or are with people who are easily offended, maybe get them a glass or two beforehand. Enjoy!

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